Author Archives: Ava

Why Suffer In Silence With Fibroids

For years many women tolerate day to day life experiencing a wide range of symptoms typical of fibroids without actually knowing this is what they have. Heavy bleeding that follows the monthly cycle, sever cramps and lower back pain, increased fatigue and forgetfulness, cramps, headaches and general unease, are just some of the many symptoms that come with fibroids. Sometimes it is fear of the worst that prevent women from going for a check up and ultimately putting their mind at rest. Perhaps they have a family […]

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What Is a Fibroid

Fibroids are one of the most common benign tumors of the female genital tracts. One female out of every four is amenable to uterine fibroids No one is certain accurately about what causes them, but generally they reduce in size after menopause, so estrogen levels may be a main factor. They are primarily associated with peri-menopause- the time before menopause- which is characterized by twelve continuous months in which a woman had no menstruation. Women have the greatest possibility to have fibroids if they are of childbearing […]

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What Are Fibroids and Can They Stop Growing

In basic terms, fibroids are non-cancerous tumours which develop in and around the uterus. They are made up of fibrous and muscle tissue and can vary in size. Many women who have fibroids are unaware of their presence as they do not experience any symptoms. In most cases fibroids are detected during routine gynaecological checkups. It is thought that fibroids are caused by an imbalance of the female hormone oestrogen, for this reason it is women who are prone to have than rather than men. The oestrogen […]

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Types of Fibroids and Treatment

Because fibroids can be present without causing any noticeable symptoms, many women go through life unaware that they actually have them. Many women may even develop fibroids at some stage in life, usually the fertile years, only to have them naturally disappear once the menopause sets in. This is because fibroids are related to the female reproductive hormone oestrogen produced by the ovaries. However there are a percentage of women who will experience complications as a result of fibroids. This may be experienced by severe abdominal pain […]

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Stop Fibroids Bleeding

Fibroids are not always troublesome but in those cases where discomfort is an everyday burden life can become not only difficult but also embarrassing. Symptoms can range from heavy, prolonged bleeding which follows menstruation, anaemia, lower back pain, weight gain, pain during intercourse and increased fatigue. When the symptoms experienced become too much to bear many women go through depression as treatment after treatment fails to work. But research has shown that there is a range of natural products that can stop fibroids from bleeding. Such natural […]

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Living With Fibroids

Fortunately most women will never know they have fibroids and unless symptoms starts to make themselves noticed there is no need to worry about them. It is thought that around forty percent of the female population is prone to fibroids which are associated with an imbalance of the oestrogen hormone produced by the ovaries. But of the forty percent of women with fibroids they are those who experience great pain and discomfort. Although fibroids are non cancerous tumours, they can nevertheless create a whole host of other […]

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Digestive Distress

Step 1: Collect Information As the mix of hormones in your blood changes during your premenopausal years, you may notice the effects on your gastrointestinal tract both directly – estrogen is a gastrointestinal stimulant and varying levels may swing you from loose stools to dry ones – and indirectly, as the hormonal load places ever heavier demands on the liver. Hormones have a strong effect on the motility of the intestinal tract. When your levels of estrogen and progesterone change (as they do throughout menopause, during pregnancy, […]

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Can Fibroids Be Cured

Fibroids are related to the imbalance of the female hormone oestrogen, therefore most women who experience or suffer from fibroids tend to be in their reproductive years. Fibroids develop as a result of too much oestrogen in the body which is often the case in women who are obsess or who life an unhealthy lifestyle with a poor diet. In most cases fibroids do not cause any harm to the women and therefore treatment is generally not required. But in those cases where pain and bleeding make […]

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How to Stop Fibroids From Growing

Fibroids are said to develop as a result of the body possessing too much estrogen. An imbalance of the estrogen hormone can be triggered by obesity, hormonal imbalances or a build up of estrogen that actually mimics substances contained in the liver. The way to control fibroids or prevent them from growing is to firstly identify the cause behind them and eliminate the harmful factors that cause them to grow larger. Every individual will respond differently to the various primary and secondary factors which contribute to fibroid […]

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How to Shrink Fibroids Naturally

More and more women are considering natural methods to help with fibroids. Because fibroids are not considered life threatening they are often underestimated where treatment is concerned. Many fibroids are not associated with pain and discomfort, considering they generally do not produce any adverse effects. But for those women who deal with monthly debilitating symptoms, they are often dismissed by the GP and prescribed a mild medication which has not beneficial relief. For this very reason, it is no wonder that women are now researching the more […]

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