Tag Archives: stop

Stop Fibroids Bleeding

Fibroids are not always troublesome but in those cases where discomfort is an everyday burden life can become not only difficult but also embarrassing. Symptoms can range from heavy, prolonged bleeding which follows menstruation, anaemia, lower back pain, weight gain, pain during intercourse and increased fatigue. When the symptoms experienced become too much to bear many women go through depression as treatment after treatment fails to work. But research has shown that there is a range of natural products that can stop fibroids from bleeding. Such natural […]

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How to Stop Fibroids From Growing

Fibroids are said to develop as a result of the body possessing too much estrogen. An imbalance of the estrogen hormone can be triggered by obesity, hormonal imbalances or a build up of estrogen that actually mimics substances contained in the liver. The way to control fibroids or prevent them from growing is to firstly identify the cause behind them and eliminate the harmful factors that cause them to grow larger. Every individual will respond differently to the various primary and secondary factors which contribute to fibroid […]

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