Types of Fibroids and Treatment

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Because fibroids can be present without causing any noticeable symptoms, many women go through life unaware that they actually have them. Many women may even develop fibroids at some stage in life, usually the fertile years, only to have them naturally disappear once the menopause sets in. This is because fibroids are related to the female reproductive hormone oestrogen produced by the ovaries.

However there are a percentage of women who will experience complications as a result of fibroids. This may be experienced by severe abdominal pain or heavy bleeding that medication fails to treat. In rare cases, fibroids can cause fertility problems and even be harmful to the baby during pregnancy. As a result, surgery is often recommended to remove the troublesome fibroids and thus prevent further complications.

There are five recognised types of fibroids which can grow anywhere in the uterus and surrounding area. The first type of fibroid is that of intramural which develops in the muscle wall of the uterus. These are the most common type of fibroid and are often present without the woman’s knowledge unless she has had a scan during which they have been detected. The second type is the subserosal fibroid which grows outside the uterus wall and into the pelvis. This kind of fibroid can grow very large and often cause discomfort.

Submucosal fibroids develop in the muscle in the uterus lining and can grow into the central cavity of the womb causing problems during pregnancy. Pedunculated fibroids are attached to the womb by a stalk and grow from the outer side of the uterus wall and cervical fibroids develop and grow in the cervical wall.

In cases where treatment is needed, medication is prescribed to help shrink the size of the fibroid and if unsuccessful surgery is then required. More that not, a change in dietary habits is strongly recommended alongside regular exercise to reduce the excess level of oestrogen the body tends to produce where poor diet and obesity are present.

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